Building Low Latency Java Microservices using Chronicle Services
In this series of articles, we will explore Chronicle Services through a number of worked examples, each illustrating a specific feature of the framework.
Have you realised that 99% of your system’s latency might be due to accidental complexity? This video looks at a real life example of accidental complexity to help explain what it is, and provides a strategy for how to investigate how you can reduce potential accidental complexity.
Is 99% of your System’s Latency due to Accidental Complexity?
Have you realised that 99% of your system’s latency might be due to accidental complexity? In this article we will look at a real…
6 Considerations when Building High-Performance Java Microservices with EDA
Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a design principle focused on the creation, detection, and reaction to events. Renowned for its resilience and low latency, EDA…
What is Chronicle Services?
Building and deploying a new system in the finance domain can be a lengthy and expensive process. Chronicle Services aims to tackle this by taking care of many of the steps needed to deploy applications – allowing developers to focus on business logic.
Demo | Chronicle Tune
Interested in learning about the CPU isolation feature of Chronicle Tune? This video demonstrates how easy and flexible it is to manage configurations in just a few seconds with Chronicle Tune in comparison to isolcpus.
StoneX Case Study
Foojay is the central resource for the OpenJDK community’s daily information needs, a place for friends of OpenJDK and a community platform for the…
Peter Lawrey explores the issue of there being a shortage of skilled developers, and discusses how Chronicle products help to mitigate this.
Newsletter Q2 | 2023
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This video replays key highlights from Chronicle’s Product Roadmap Event on June 7th 2023. It demonstrates: the talk, networking and other moments.
Chronicle Queue Released for Linux ARM64 Chronicle Queue Chronicle Queue is a persisted low-latency messaging framework for high performance and critical applications. Designed to…
Please join the discussion of the answers for these questions on Twitter – eight core Java Questions.
Billions of Messages Per Minute Over TCP/IP
Key Takeaways Data consistency is critical when communicating between software components on different machines to ensure information remains in tact. Low-latency data exchange requires…
In this talk, Peter will shed light on the hidden costs of object allocation and how it can significantly reduce your application’s throughput, sometimes up to 10 times or more.
Newsletter 2023
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A multi-language offering We’re excited to announce that Chronicle Queue Enterprise is now available in multiple programming languages to ensure maximum user flexibility and…
How to Optimise CPU Performance Through Isolation and System Tuning
What are the challenges of tuning your CPU and system for optimal performance with Linux, and how does Chronicle Tune address them? CPU isolation…
Global Bank Case Study
Building Custom Solutions vs. Buy-and-Build Software
The Challenges of Building a FIX Engine The first day I was introduced to FIX was when I worked at an investment bank in…