Chronicle Services

Chronicle Services is a framework designed for the development of high-performance Java microservices. It harnesses an event-driven architecture and leverages the power of Chronicle's robust low-latency software stack.

"Chronicle Services laid a great foundation down for us to build our trading algorithms on top of"

- Jeff Gomberg, Head of Electronic Trading at StoneX Markets LLC


Fast and Simple Deployment

Chronicle Services offers the ability to quickly build microservices with a tried and tested framework without having to compromise on customisability, which allows for:

  • Fast Return On Investment - within 6 months
  • Development Productivity - we take care of the software infrastructure, allowing your developers to focus on your unique business logic
  • Empowering Your Team Through Effective Knowledge Sharing

Trusted. Tested. Transformative

At Chronicle we pride ourselves on the stability and knowledge of our development and support team. With decades of experience from the financial industry, you can trust us with your toughest challenges.

For example, we recently helped StoneX enhance their futures trading performance, with Chronicle Services and Chronicle FIX.

See below for the full case study:

Quote from Jeff Gomberg

Single Threaded

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Each microservice can be run single-threaded on a dedicated thread via thread affinity. There is no need for locks, monitors, or concurrent data structures.

Robust and Available

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Multi-way, low latency, replication in a cluster of hosts to support High Availability/Failover and data distribution.


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Microservices are interconnected via Chronicle Queue, which records all messages and provides a low latency audit trail of processed events - no additional logging is required.

State Management

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Upon a restart, the state of a microservice can be re-established by re-reading old messages deterministically.

Scalable Capacity

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Easy to add new services with automatic computation of internal state and also to shut down redundant services at any time.


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It is possible to replay production data, reproduce production bugs and write tests to reproduce.


Single Threaded

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Each microservice can be run single-threaded on a dedicated thread via thread affinity. There is no need for locks, monitors, or concurrent data structures.

Robust and Available

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Multi-way, low latency, replication in a cluster of hosts to support High Availability/Failover and data distribution.

Re-established State

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Upon a restart, the state of a microservice can be re-established by re-reading old messages deterministically.


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The microservices are interconnected via Chronicle Queue which records all messages. This provides a low latency audit trail of processed events -no additional logging is required.

Scalable Capacity

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Easy to add new services with automatic computation of internal state and also to shut down redundant services at any time.


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Able to replay production data, reproduce production bugs and write tests to reproduce.

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Robust and Available

Multi-way, low latency, replication in a cluster of hosts to support High Availability/Failover and data distribution.

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Single Threaded

Each microservice can be run single-threaded on a dedicated thread via thread affinity. There is no need for locks, monitors, or concurrent data structures.

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Re-established State

Upon a restart, the state of a microservice can be re-established by re-reading old messages deterministically.

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The microservices are interconnected via Chronicle Queue which records all messages. This provides a low latency audit trail of processed events -no additional logging is required.

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Able to replay production data, reproduce production bugs and write tests to reproduce.

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Scalable Capacity

Easy to add new services with automatic computation of internal state and also to shut down redundant services at any time.

Why Chronicle Services?

Traditionally, low-latency trading systems are developed as monolithic applications, which typically have high development efforts, and can make adapting existing applications to changing market demands difficult.

A solution is to use Chronicle Services, an event-driven microservices framework that provides simple, maintainable, testable code and market-leading performance.


Chronicle Services is the perfect starting point to develop tailored solutions. A combination of externalised configuration, powerful APIs combined with a novel approach to testing based on BDD techniques, allows developers to focus on implementing business logic. Development timelines are shortened without sacrificing quality and ROI is apparent much more quickly.

The Chronicle team has helped develop custom microservices for individual firms, such as solutions for pricing, auto hedging, order management, or market connectivity.

There are also ready-made microservices, for example Book Builder and Market Gatekeeper, that can be deployed in conjunction with Chronicle's performance optimised FIX-engine. See Chronicle EFX

Cloud Migration

Articles about Chronicle Services

How to Develop Event-Driven Architectures

Last month, I wrote an article on Open source Chronicle Wire, that discusses how we could serialise an application’s state into different message formats. Now in this article, I’m going to look at how we can use Open source Chronicle Queue and Chronicle Wire  to structure applications to use Event-Driven Architecture (EDA). EDA is a…

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Developing Low Latency Trading Systems with Chronicle Microservices

Introduction to Chronicle Services Traditionally, low latency trading systems were developed as monolithic applications in low level languages such as C++. While these systems delivered the required performance, the development effort was extremely time consuming, and the complexity of the software made it difficult to adapt existing applications to changing market demands. A solution to…

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Conference | The Principles of Low Latency Microservices

Peter Lawrey explores how Chronicle Software can help you develop a Low Latency Microservices architecture

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If you want to learn more about how Chronicle Services works, why not start experimenting with our demos or read the documentation?

For example, you can learn how to get up and running quickly and how Chronicle Services can be optimised for your environment.