Chronicle Matching Engine

Chronicle Matching Engine forms the backbone for a resilient and scalable exchange solution. It provides order matching, validation, and risk checks with high capacity and low latency. It has a modular and flexible design which enables it to be used stand-alone, or seamlessly integrated with Chronicle FIX and Chronicle Services.

"Your 99.99% performance is consistently faster, very impressive!"

-Core Developer Crypto Exchange Provider

Experience the Speed

Chronicle Matching Engine´s latency has been measured using a Ryzen 9, 5950X, 16-Core processor, 3.4 GHz, 1 TB NVMe SSD, 3.1 GB/s.

The lower plot shows the end-to-end time of the Matching Engine itself with a Market Order sweeping the book, generating an Acknowledgement and Fills. The higher plot shows the end-to-end time of the same when integrated with a FIX gateway, and includes the FIX server processing and message serialisation/deserialisation, together with the TCP/IP network stack on the full round trip.

Multiple Order Types







Multiple Time In Force Instructions


Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)

Fill or Kill (FOK)

Good till Time (GTT)

Good Till Date (GTD)

Good Till Cancel (GTC)

Low Latency High Throughput

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Chronicle Matching Engine is designed from the ground up for low latency. By leveraging Chronicle Queue, it has been possible to design an innovative solution that optimises available resources for improved performance.

Bespoke Rules

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To meet individual client's needs, it is possible to apply bespoke per-order matching rules on top of the core matching and priority rules. For example Minimum Execution Quantity (MEQ) or Self-Match Prevention (SMP).


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Chronicle Matching Engine can easily scale by adding new matching engines. This can be done dynamically in real-time whenever it is needed.


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Built to be deployed to any cloud provider as well as any on-premise data center. Get full support from our technical experts, with decades of experience building low-latency software.

Robust and Resilient

configurable icon

Equipped with full HA/DR capabilities via multi-node replication and hot-hot configurations. This helps achieve uninterrupted service.

Fully Deterministic

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Always possible to predict and reproduce results and many automated tests to validate correctness. This makes conversations with regulators easier and allows all decisions to be explained.

Low Latency High Throughput

performance icon

Chronicle Matching Engine is designed from the ground up for low latency. By leveraging Chronicle Queue, it has been possible to design an innovative solution that optimises available resources for improved performance.

Bespoke Rules

compatible icon

To meet individual client's needs, it is possible to apply bespoke per-order matching rules on top of the core matching and priority rules. For example Minimum Execution Quantity (MEQ) or Self-Match Prevention (SMP).


handshake icon

Built to be deployed to any cloud provider as well as any on-premise data center. Get full support from our technical experts, with decades of experience building low-latency software.


scale icon

Chronicle Matching Engine can easily scale by adding new matching engines. This can be done dynamically in real-time whenever it is needed.

Robust and Resilient

configurable icon

Equipped with full HA/DR capabilities via multi-node replication and hot-hot configurations. This helps achieve uninterrupted service.

Fully Deterministic

padlock secure icon

Always possible to predict and reproduce results and many automated tests to validate correctness. This makes conversations with regulators easier and allows all decisions to be explained.

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Bespoke Rules

To meet individual client's needs, it is possible to apply bespoke per-order matching rules on top of the core matching and priority rules. For example Minimum Execution Quantity (MEQ) or Self-Match Prevention (SMP).

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Low Latency High Throughput

Chronicle Matching Engine is designed from the ground up for low latency. By leveraging Chronicle Queue, it has been possible to design an innovative solution that optimises available resources for improved performance.

handshake icon


Built to be deployed to any cloud provider as well as any on-premise data center. Get full support from our technical experts, with decades of experience building low-latency software.

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Chronicle Matching Engine can easily scale by adding new matching engines. This can be done dynamically in real-time whenever it is needed.

padlock secure icon

Fully Deterministic

Always possible to predict and reproduce results and many automated tests to validate correctness. This makes conversations with regulators easier and allows all decisions to be explained.

configurable icon

Robust and Resilient

Equipped with full HA/DR capabilities via multi-node replication and hot-hot configurations. This helps achieve uninterrupted service.

Technical Report

As the Chronicle Matching Engine is integral to a resilient and scalable exchange solution, this technical report discusses the design of a self-contained exchange. It provides a packaged, modular application framework and demonstrates how to use the Chronicle Matching Engine. 

Read about the hierarchical organisation of the key components of the exchange and how it provides scalability, functionality and resilience: 

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    matching engine technical report cover

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