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55 Dedicated Cloud Compute Optimised Solutions

We have compared compute-optimised instances from 55 vendors, and the cost per virtual CPU differs significantly between different products. 


Get Started with Chronicle Tune

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A proof of concept demo of a tool called the Chronicle Services Visual Configuration Editor. This tool will allow you to visualize and manipulate the configuration of a Chronicle Services application, as well as to add, edit, and remove components from the diagram, and any changes made will be reflected in the configuration file.

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What is Chronicle Queue?

Learn why financial organisations are switching to Chronicle Queue for their messaging solutions.

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Explores the key benefits of Chronicle’s FIX engine, and highlights why top-tier banks and hedge funds are coming to Chronicle for their FIX solution.

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Demo | Chronicle FIX Cloud Native

This demo highlights some key features of Chronicle FIX, and provides an example of how to monitor its performance.

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Have you realised that 99% of your system’s latency might be due to accidental complexity? This video looks at a real life example of accidental complexity to help explain what it is, and provides a strategy for how to investigate how you can reduce potential accidental complexity.

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What is Chronicle Services?

Building and deploying a new system in the finance domain can be a lengthy and expensive process. Chronicle Services aims to tackle this by taking care of many of the steps needed to deploy applications – allowing developers to focus on business logic.

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Demo | Chronicle Tune

Interested in learning about the CPU isolation feature of Chronicle Tune? This video demonstrates how easy and flexible it is to manage configurations in just a few seconds with Chronicle Tune in comparison to isolcpus.

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Video | Shortage of Skilled Developers

Peter Lawrey explores the issue of there being a shortage of skilled developers, and discusses how Chronicle products help to mitigate this.

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Product Roadmap Highlight Video

This video replays key highlights from Chronicle’s Product Roadmap Event on June 7th 2023. It demonstrates: the talk, networking and other moments.

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The Hidden Costs of Object Allocation

In this talk, Peter will shed light on the hidden costs of object allocation and how it can significantly reduce your application’s throughput, sometimes up to 10 times or more.

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Introduction to Chronicle FIX UI

This tutorial delves into how to use the Chronicle FIX UI, which helps you to add, edit, delete and manage FIX sessions.

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Webinar | Allocations Don’t Scale

Peter Lawrey explores object allocation and how it could be hurting vertical scalability.

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Tutorial | Chronicle FIX Parser

How to use Chronicle’s free FIX parser to help decode and read FIX messages

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Webinar | Java is Very Fast

Peter Lawrey presents webinar based on his remarkably popular article, ‘Java is Very Fast if You don’t Create too Many Objects’.

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Tutorial | Running Services with Docker

This video follows on from the account balancer example, and in this tutorial we demonstrate how to run Chronicle Services with Docker.

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This video is a follow on from the video on Chronicle’s Services Testing Framework, and looks at how Chronicle Services can send DTOs as well as how custom setup data can be added to your configuration file and your YamlTester tests.

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Tutorial | Microservices Testing Example

This video follows on from the previous video and goes into more detail on the Chronicle Testing Framework.

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This video demonstrates a simple example of Chronicle’s Microservices Framework and shows how to send events between two services.

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This tutorial provides a simple example for how to send events and make method calls from one java process to another, using Chronicle Queue as an interprocess communication transport.

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