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News, Technical Articles

Chronicle 25: What’s New and Improved

Introduction In the Chronicle 25 release series, we are pleased to announce that we officially support Java 21. This release also includes a large…

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Introduction In a previous article we saw how Chronicle Services uses a model based on events to support the maintenance of key elements of…

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Introduction In today’s dynamic financial markets, trading systems must be agile, scalable, and reliable to maintain a competitive edge. Traditional monolithic systems often struggle…

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Technical Articles

A Modern Approach to Middleware with Chronicle

Financial institutions today face significant challenges in updating their legacy middleware systems which are crucial for supporting millions of lines of code serving critical…

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In low-latency microservices, ensuring system resilience without compromising performance is vital. This article explores how Chronicle Services, a Java-based framework optimised for low-latency microservices,…

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Technical Articles

Achieving High Throughput Without Sacrificing Latency

Latency and Throughput In discussions on performance, it is common to encounter the terms Latency and Throughput to describe the characteristics of a software…

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Technical Articles

Data Driven Testing of Chronicle Services

Chronicle Services testing follows the guidelines of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). In this article we will examine the Chronicle Services testing framework in more detail.

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A proof of concept demo of a tool called the Chronicle Services Visual Configuration Editor. This tool will allow you to visualize and manipulate the configuration of a Chronicle Services application, as well as to add, edit, and remove components from the diagram, and any changes made will be reflected in the configuration file.

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Technical Articles

Strategies for Managing State in Chronicle Services

Introduction In distributed, microservice based applications the management of state is one of the most important, yet difficult aspects of design. Ensuring the accuracy…

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Apache Kafka is a common choice for inter-service communication. Kafka facilitates the parallel processing of messages and is a good choice for log aggregation….

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This article explores how Chronicle Services provides empowering failover strategies for uninterrupted operations.

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Technical Articles

Navigating Behaviour with Events

The practices of Event-Driven Architecture and Behaviour-Driven Development have more in common than may at first be apparent. At Chronicle, we have embraced both of these approaches and implemented them through our Chronicle Services Framework.

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Technical Articles

Events and Data Transfer Objects in Chronicle Services

In this article, we will explore the ideas behind Events in Chronicle Services in more detail, and how to build a service that works with Events carrying structured data.

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Technical Articles

Building Fast Microservices with Java

Low Latency? In computing, latency is defined as the length of time to perform some task. This could be the time it takes to…

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In this series of articles, we will explore Chronicle Services through a number of worked examples, each illustrating a specific feature of the framework.

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Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a design principle focused on the creation, detection, and reaction to events. Renowned for its resilience and low latency, EDA…

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What is Chronicle Services?

Building and deploying a new system in the finance domain can be a lengthy and expensive process. Chronicle Services aims to tackle this by taking care of many of the steps needed to deploy applications – allowing developers to focus on business logic.

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At Chronicle we build applications that must process very high numbers of events with minimum latency. Generating unique IDs for these events using the…

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Tutorial | Running Services with Docker

This video follows on from the account balancer example, and in this tutorial we demonstrate how to run Chronicle Services with Docker.

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This video is a follow on from the video on Chronicle’s Services Testing Framework, and looks at how Chronicle Services can send DTOs as well as how custom setup data can be added to your configuration file and your YamlTester tests.

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