Monorepo Versus Bill of Materials: Shaping Your Project
During most of my development career, the usual code organization pattern was monolithic repository or Monorepo. There is a single large version control repository,…
As most Java developers know, putting values in a Java Map (like a HashMap) involves creating a large number of auxiliary objects under the…
Chronicle Ring vs LMAX Disruptor
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on October 7, 2021. Please don’t hesitate…
Linux File Systems and Application Latency
By The Chronicle Team 14th June 2021 Financial trading systems require extremely low latency. In modern markets, financial instrument pricing changes very rapidly, and…
The IKEA Effect
The IKEA effect is a fascinating phenomenon whereby consumers place a (sometimes disproportionately) higher value on things that they have either made themselves, or…
Trading System Innovation and Trivially Copyable Objects
What’s in a trading system? Trading systems are complex beasts. They’ve got to be functionally rich, enabling traders to execute a range of order…
Developing Low Latency Trading Systems with Chronicle Microservices
Introduction to Chronicle Services Traditionally, low latency trading systems were developed as monolithic applications in low level languages such as C++. While these systems…
Chronicle Software for use in AI
Chronicle Queue is a persisted low-latency messaging framework for high performance and critical applications. Designed to be a “record everything store” Chronicle Queue provides…
Building a Neural Network with Chronicle Services
Overview Deep learning has become a prominent practice in the FinTech industry to supervise and/or automate critical decisions. More specifically, neural networks can e.g….
In this blog post, we are going to focus on microservices – what they are, what benefits they can provide for your organisation, and…
Why Java is Better Than C++ for High Speed Trading Systems
by Sarah Butcher 23 November 2020 eFinancial News The accepted wisdom has it that if you’re building a high speed trading system you probably want…
The best Java developers started in C++ or assembly
Article from eFinancial News 16/12/2020 by Sarah Butcher If you want to write the kind of code that’s used in the kinds of trading…
Big Data and Chronicle Queue
The Big Question How is Chronicle Queue being used for Big Data solutions in Java, and how does it work under the covers? What…
Chronicle Queue Replication with Varying Packet Sizes
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on October 7 2020. Please don’t hesitate…
Breaking Down the Barriers to Institutional Cryptocurrency Investment
Institutional investment in cryptocurrencies is on the rise. A recent survey from Fidelity Digital Assets[1], encompassed a range of nearly 900 investors spanning crypto…
Queue C++ Optimisation on Linux
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on July 13, 2020. Please don’t hesitate…
Chronicle FIX – Socket Latency Optimisation
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on March 18, 2020. Please don’t hesitate…
Acknowledged replication of Queue across the network
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed 18 March 2020. Please don’t hesitate to…
Queue Replication Across a Network
Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on March 11, 2020. Please don’t hesitate…
Optimizing Chronicle Queue on Lenovo 6240 with Optane Storage
Working in conjunction with Lenovo in order to optimize Chronicle software we have been given access to the Lenovo test labs to run some…