Chronicle Update February 2020

Commercial Update
The annual EMEA FIX Trading conference takes place on 12th March at Old Billingsgate and we will be attending. Peter and the rest of the team will be on stand C2 so please drop by if you would like to find out more about not only Chronicle FIX but the whole suite of Chronicle products
In addition to attending the FIX Trading conference we will also be running another lunch and learn in early April, the initial one which we ran late last year was very well received, further details on this event to follow.

Technical Updates
We recently launched Chronicle Datagrid our in memory Datagrid solution (IMDG) and as part of the launch we have run some benchmarks against a leading provider of IMDG solutions with some very promising results, across most of the benchmark we were at least 50% faster but it is around the 99.99% where we see significant improvements
In the following benchmark, we have set-up a remote Map that holds 100,000 key/value pairs where the key is the name of a security (i.e. ticker) and the value is the opening, high, low and closing price for a security. Separate tests are run on Chronicle Datagrid and another IMDG provider whereby the roundtrip delay is measured. Measurements were made at 10,000 requests per second over ten seconds

The latencies below are given in microseconds.

datagrid latencies

datagrid vs IMDG

Support Update
We have recently upgraded our Linkedin group Chronicle Performance Engineers , this will now be the place for registered members to pick up exclusive content from Peter and the other members of Chronicle Technical team, plus seek help and support from the Chronicle team and our users please register at

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Tens of billions of dollars per day are handled via Chronicle's technology platform. We are trusted to deliver exceptional performance, minimal time to market, and optimal developer efficiency.

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The fastest Java FIX Engine on the market with microseconds latency. Trusted by top-tier banks and funds with thousands of deployed sessions globally.