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55 Dedicated Cloud Compute Optimised Solutions

We have compared compute-optimised instances from 55 vendors, and the cost per virtual CPU differs significantly between different products. 

Blogs, Technical Articles

How to make Java sockets faster

In this article I will share the experience of making fast faster by stripping off safety nets carefully developed to prevent people from shooting…

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News, Technical Articles

Chronicle 25: What’s New and Improved

Introduction In the Chronicle 25 release series, we are pleased to announce that we officially support Java 21. This release also includes a large…

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Introduction In a previous article we saw how Chronicle Services uses a model based on events to support the maintenance of key elements of…

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Technical Articles

A Modern Approach to Middleware with Chronicle

Financial institutions today face significant challenges in updating their legacy middleware systems which are crucial for supporting millions of lines of code serving critical…

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Technical Articles

How Chronicle Queue Transforms Big Data Solutions

What sets Chronicle Queue apart is that it’s a very lightweight way to buffer large volumes of data for hours, weeks, or years without…

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Technical Articles

Strategies for Managing State in Chronicle Services

Introduction In distributed, microservice based applications the management of state is one of the most important, yet difficult aspects of design. Ensuring the accuracy…

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Have you realised that 99% of your system’s latency might be due to accidental complexity?  In this article we will look at a real…

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Technical Articles

The Unix Philosophy for Low Latency

Unix has been around for more than 50 years, and the original design principles must be good enough for it (and its derivative, Linux)…

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Benchmarks, Technical Articles

Comparing Approaches to Durability in Low Latency Messaging Queues

A significant feature of Chronicle Queue Enterprise is support for TCP replication across multiple servers to ensure high availability of application infrastructure. I have…

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Unit testing constitutes an integral part of the process of providing high-quality software. But, how can one write tests covering all variants of several…

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Technical Articles

Cloud-Native Chronicle Deployment

Traditionally, companies with low-latency requirements deployed to bare metal servers, eschewing the convenience and programmability of virtualisation and containerisation in an effort to squeeze…

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While the cloud offers great convenience and flexibility, the operational cost for applications deployed in the cloud can sometimes be significant. This article shows…

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Become familiar with the art of object reuse by reading this article and learn the pros and cons of different reuse strategies in a…

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Technical Articles

Creating Terabyte Sized Queues with Low-Latency

Queues are often fundamental components in software design patterns. But, what if there are millions of messages received every second and multi-process consumers need…

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Technical Articles

Why a Set Can Contain Duplicate Elements

In low-latency applications, the creation of unnecessary objects is often avoided by reusing mutable objects to reduce memory pressure and thus the load on…

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Technical Articles

Linux File Systems and Application Latency

By The Chronicle Team 14th June 2021 Financial trading systems require extremely low latency. In modern markets, financial instrument pricing changes very rapidly, and…

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What’s in a trading system? Trading systems are complex beasts. They’ve got to be functionally rich, enabling traders to execute a range of order…

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Technical Articles

Chronicle Software for use in AI

Chronicle Queue is a persisted low-latency messaging framework for high performance and critical applications. Designed to be a “record everything store” Chronicle Queue provides…

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Technical Articles

Big Data and Chronicle Queue

The Big Question How is Chronicle Queue being used for Big Data solutions in Java, and how does it work under the covers? What…

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Technical Articles

Chronicle Queue Replication with Varying Packet Sizes

Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that can be improved with more modern hardware. This benchmark was performed on October 7 2020. Please don’t hesitate…

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