Streamline Order, Execution and Position Management
We recognise that many larger asset managers have grown organically through mergers and acquisitions, and now face the challenges of consolidating order flow and optimising execution across multiple order and execution management systems. Chronicle’s Platform can interface with multiple order or execution management systems, simplifying operations, improving the control environment and creating one interface to brokers, market makers and liquidity providers, ultimately reducing the cost and complexity of managing order flow. Our Platform’s position management capabilities also allow for multiple views of positions and portfolios, enabling both consolidated risk views across portfolios as well as more granular fund-level positions.
Simplify Market Access and Execution
In the quest for market access and competitive sources of liquidity, buy-side firms are often faced with the challenge of integrating with the APIs and trading platforms of multiple dealers, brokers and market makers. Multi-dealer platforms aren’t a simple panacea - there are situations in which access to single dealer platforms and quotes is essential in order to execute large block sizes and proprietary trading strategies with trust and confidence.
Our process has been streamlined for easy, efficient on-boarding to multiple dealers and platforms. Chronicle’s Platform supports multiple protocols (including FIX, REST, WebSockets and proprietary APIs), and our protocol and asset-class agnostic platform, enables clients to quickly on-board via their preferred messaging format. Our virtual pre-production environment enables hassle-free configuration and conformance testing, and slashes on-boarding time.
Best Execution and Broker Selection
With the advent of regulatory requirements obliging the buy-side to explain and defend best execution practices and choices, asset managers are now required to benchmark the performance of their brokers and execution venues, using tools such as TCA and Algo Wheels. They also need the flexibility to act on this information, tuning trading strategies and changing routing logic in response. Our Platform’s support for multiple standard protocols, and our virtual pre-production environment, once again combine to make adding and dropping connectivity, and introducing new routing logic, simple, efficient and straightforward.
Position and Risk Management
Fund and portfolio managers need to understand their risk exposure at multiple levels, and across asset classes and geographies. Chronicle’s Platform integrates across internal trading systems, aggregating order flow and using our advanced risk filters and monitoring capability to create a unified view of all trading, ensuring that thresholds are adhered to at both a local and global level.
Positions can be calculated in real-time and triggered by trading activity or market movements, at multiple configurable levels, and can be aggregated at higher levels to a global, total position view across the firm, with automated triggering of VaR calculations. Chronicle’s own VaR calculations are provided out of the box, or clients can insert their own proprietary risk algorithms into our flexible framework, testing and deploying them with ease.
Post-Trade Integration
MiFID II and other regulations globally create requirements for buy-side market participants to comply with increased post-trade reporting obligations. At the same time, asset managers are continually searching for operational and cost efficiencies in a highly competitive environment. Chronicle’s Platform provides seamless integration across systems from trade execution through to booking, confirmations and other post-trade systems, for collation of multiple trade data points. Our standards-based APIs enable secure electronic message flow from internal post-trade reporting systems to external market data vendors, approved publication arrangements, trade repositories and regulatory reporting portals.
Solutions for Asset Managers of Every Size
While Chronicle’s solutions are used by some of the world’s largest financial institutions, we’ve designed them to be customisable for use in organisations of all sizes and levels of sophistication. Our asset-class agnostic technology supports connectivity to both order-driven and quote-driven markets, with the proven latency and scalability to satisfy even the most demanding performance benchmarks. A multi-asset platform enables greater efficiencies and improved risk management capabilities at multiple fund and portfolio levels. Chronicle’s Platform is a cost-effective and fast way to implement electronic and / or algorithmic trading in a firm, offering out-of-the-box, configurable execution and risk management algorithms alongside a framework in which more sophisticated clients can test and deploy their own bespoke, proprietary logic and code.
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